Debit order

Thank you for choosing to become a Paw Member or Sterisuppawter of the Mdzananda Animal Clinic. Please fill in the below form to set up your monthly debit order donation.

To find out more please visit or email us on

Personal details

Banking details

The first debit will only come off your account on or after this date, on the debit date chosen above.

Here's what your pawsome monthly donation will do:

Paw Member

R 35 pm: Dewormer
R 50 pm: Flea and tick treatment
R 85 pm: Vaccination
R 165 pm: Food for one pet for a week
R 360 pm: Puppy / kitten's 3 vital vaccinations & dewormers
R 400 pm: Food for a hospitalised pet p/month
R 500 pm: Caring for a shelter pet p/month
R 850 pm: One sterilization
R 2000 pm: One parvo patient treatment
R 5000 pm: One orthopeadic surgery

Steri Suppawter

R 70 pm: Sterilise 1 animal per year
R 100 pm: Sterilise 1.5 animals per year
R 200 pm: Sterilise 3 animals per year
R 850 pm: Sterilise 1 animal per month

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